Engineering Software as a Service:
An Agile Approach Using Cloud Computing

A one- or two-semester course in Agile/XP development using Ruby on Rails and HTML5/JavaScript to develop, test, and deploy cloud-based and mobile apps. Accompanied by comprehensive instructor and student materials, including autograded programming assignments, and widely endorsed by industry practitioners and academic instructors.

Instructors & individual learners:
Get Started Using EdX

Online course integrating Codio, autograding, lectures, and quizzes, in a 3-part series that can be taken individually or together for an EdX Professional Certificate. Note: the edX course is currently being revised and will be back in late 2024.
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About The Authors

Armando Fox is a Professor of Computer Science, a Diversity and Equity Officer at both the EECS Department level and Campus level, and Faculty Advisor for Digital Learning Strategy at UC Berkeley. He is an ACM Distinguished Scientist, a winner of the ACM Karl V. Karlstrom Outstanding Educator Award, and the winner of numerous teaching and mentoring awards from Associated Students of Stanford University, the Society of Women Engineers, and Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society.

David Patterson recently retired from a 40-year career at UC Berkeley. He is the co-inventor of RISC and RAID; a member of the National Academy of Engineering, National Academy of Sciences, and Silicon Valley Hall of Fame; and the winner of the ACM Karl V. Karlstrom Outstanding Educator Award, the IEEE Mulligan Medal for Education, numerous teaching awards from UC Berkeley, and most recently, the ACM A.M. Turing Award, shared with John Hennessy.